Vicky Young

Multilingual Entrepreneur


Vicky Young (Māori) Ngapuhi, and Te Rarawa tribes

Vicky is an Indigenous global citizen of the world, with a lifelong passion to connect, share knowledge, and empower other indigenous peoples. She is an educator, an entrepreneur and multilinguist. As a third generation musician and multi-instrumentalist. Vicky’s broad experience connects her with indigenous peoples from diverse backgrounds.

Indigenous tourism is one of her areas of expertise and she has worked in the tourism industry for 30+ years. She is also the Founder and Director of her own successful family owned Indigenous businesses including: Educational study tours and Language school. She has worked with Mapuche Tourism in Chile, and in partnership with Rise Global a for purpose business empowering Indigenous women one leader, one coach, one business at a time. Vicky is a sought after speaker, and business consultant respected by many.

As a Māori Academic she has been teaching at Waikato University, since 1989, including in the triple-crown accredited Waikato Management School (WMS). She is currently lecturing in the Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies, and working for the Centre for Teaching and Learning. She graduated with 3 degrees: a BA(Japanese), a PGDip SLT (Second Language Teaching), and an MA(Applied Linguistics: Japanese, Education.) She also successfully completed a specialist NZ Government run one-year Certificate in Entrepreneurial Women in Business (one of the top 20 women entrepreneurs selected for this programme). She is currently an Ambassador for IWI – Indigenous Women in Industry and considering enrolment for an Indigenous PhD.

Author: Co-author of two e-books, Waikato Management School.
1) Academic Stepping Stones: A Guide to Academic Writing
2) English Grammar in Usage: A Guide for Students
(required and recommended texts) for WMS

Community Support: Board Member – Chairperson Te Papanui
Enderley Community Trust

Association of Tertiary Learning Advisors of Aotearoa New Zealand ATLANZ Life Member

Justice of the Peace (NZ).