Alex Calfuqueo
Alex Calfuqueo, comes from an ancestral lineage of Mapuche leaders, Alex is amulzugufe which in our Mapuche culture means Communicator, the one who carries the word, born in Carahue, his tuwun, his family, social and spiritual origin is from Remeco. Alex has become a great social communicator, bilingual Mapuche – Spanish with a trajectory of 20 years as director and announcer of Bahá’i radio in the region of Araucanía, Chile.
Alex has done extensive work in rescuing the largest Mapuche record of stories, histories, music and customs in the region.
Today his greatest challenge is to transmit this knowledge orally and in writing so that our children and future generations will know and collect stories of knowledge and traditions of a rich Mapuche culture of their own territory from the stories of their grandmothers and grandfathers, their great-grandparents, their past generations.
Their inspiration is their ancestors, their family and everything that is a living ecosystem in our Ñuke Mapu (mother earth).