Rob Campbell
National Director, Indigenous Services - MNP
Rob is a Partner and the National Director of Indigenous Services for MNP. Through a career spanning 30 years Rob has held senior posts within Government, Corporate and Aboriginal sectors. More recently Mr. Campbell has been recognized by the Globe and Mail’s Report on Business as one of the “Top 50 Executives in Canada 2020” award winners. In addition, Rob has recently completed “Leading People and Investing to Build Sustainable Communities at the Harvard School of Business. Also, Mr. Campbell continues a multi-year Host of the World Indigenous Business Forum. With strong interpersonal and communication skills and a high degree of empathy Rob identifies well with MNP clients and their needs. His unique experience has given him an in-depth understanding of Indigenous issues and opportunities.
As National Director, Rob supports and helps oversee MNP’s services and programs or Canada’s Indigenous community. This includes team development, new product development, client relationships, and subject matter expertise in a wide range of community and business initiatives to list few of his contributions. Rob is also involved in marketing, promotions, public relations, sponsorships and a host of outreach that MNP undertakes with the Aboriginal community. Given that MNP is the largest provider of professional services to the Aboriginal community of Canada these efforts keep Rob heavily engaged in many projects and undertakings by government, industry and the Aboriginal community.
Mr. Campbell is a trusted and respected executive, leader and entrepreneur with effective long-term working relationships in a range of diverse settings primarily focused on the Corporate and Indigenous community. Rob provides consultation and support on community, economic and business development, governance and leadership issues at local, regional and national levels. Rob is experienced with working with large, multifaceted groups representing the interests of Businesses, Boards, Indigenous and Municipal Leadership. He has assisted a wide range of organizations in performance improvement and enterprise recovery. Rob is highly regarded for managing politically sensitive issues with integrity, professionalism and a disarming humor that supports effective relationship building. He is well connected with Indigenous, political, provincial and federal government, and business leaders across Canada.
Past positions included Vice President of Corporate Development for Tribal Councils Investment Group of Manitoba Ltd. (TCIG). TCIG is a unique investment company mandated by the First Nations of the seven founding Tribal Councils of Manitoba to create sustainable First Nations economies. Within TCIG Rob also held the role of Vice President and General Manager of the Radisson Winnipeg Hotel Downtown and Vice-President and General Manager of Tribal Marketing Communications Inc. Prior to TCIG involvement Rob was the Provincial Coordinator of Community Development Corporations, Community Works Loan Program and Community Roundtables on behalf of the Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Department. These innovative programs are a creative approach for rural communities to foster social and economic growth through locally controlled strategic planning, development corporations and community-based loan funds. On an independent basis Rob operated a boutique consulting company called Aboriginal Business Information Services. The main function of ABIS was to provide economic and business development support related to initiatives within the Aboriginal and Corporate community. In addition, Rob has worked as an economic development advisor and officer with various organizations. Some involvements include Governmental Liaison to the Manitoba Chiefs Agreement Advisory Committee, National Development Officer to the Department of Indian and Northern Affair’s Community Economic Development Branch, National Director of Aboriginal Affairs and Economic Advisor to the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB), and National Director to the Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers (CANDO).
Some present and past board and committee positions include Board Member to the Norman Regional Development Board, Board Member and Executive to CANDO, Board Member to the St. Boniface Hospital Research Foundation, Board Member to the Manitoba Law Society, Committee Member to the Assembly of First Nations Economic Experts, Board Member to the Canadian Aboriginal Minerals Association (CAMA), Committee Member to the National Aboriginal Trust Officers Association (NATOA), Committee Member to the Special Procurement Initiative on Aboriginal Business, Committee Member and Jury Chairperson to the CCAB Progressive Aboriginal Relations Program (PAR), Committee Member to the Canadian Aboriginal Portal, Committee Member to the Manitoba Aboriginal Business Network, Chairman of the Aboriginal Business Development Centre of Winnipeg, Board Member to the Whitehorse Mining Initiative, Committee Member to the Minto and Sergeant Neighborhood Advisory Committee, Board Member to Manitoba Cancer Care, Board Member to Villa Rosa and Vice-Chair for Manitoba Junior Achievement.
Through these unique experiences Rob has become a consultant, advisor, facilitator, motivational speaker and emcee at many conferences, youth gatherings and corporate events. This specialization has also led Rob to being a guest lecturer at several Canadian universities, colleges and high schools. Rob is from the Kinosao Sipi Cree Nation (Norway House) and has worked extensively throughout Canada. Rob is married to Beatrice Mathias a member of the Frog Lake Cree Nation and they have son Connor…all of whom factor into his narrative on the Indigenous experience.